The concept of sustainability holds that the social, economic, and environmental factors within human communities must be viewed interactively and systematically. Sustainable development cannot be und
In Pathways through Crisis, Carl Maida describes how communities tend (and need) to develop "grass roots" solutions in responding to critical social problems.
Common Worlds: Paths Toward Sustainable Urbanism explores how both expert and lay members of urban and suburban communities respond to the challenges of demographic and socioeconomic change in an envi
Common Worlds: Paths Toward Sustainable Urbanism explores how both expert and lay members of urban and suburban communities respond to the challenges of demographic and socioeconomic change in an envi
Anthropologists must move beyond being simple decoders of cultures and become more instrumental in generating and bringing about social change, argue Beck (College of Human Ecology, Cornell U.) and Ma
Environmental challenges are more complex due to rapid development and human population growth alongside technological advances that alter lifestyles and social norms. To meet these challenges, concep
Environmental challenges are more complex due to rapid development and human population growth alongside technological advances that alter lifestyles and social norms. To meet these challenges, concep
Anthropologists have acted as experts and educators on the nature and ways of life of people worldwide, working to understand the human condition in broad comparative perspective. As a discipline, ant