WHAT WAS THAT? That’s the roaring burp of a bullfrog! SEE THAT? That’s the slick, shiny skin of colorful little rainforest frogs! Alive with froggy facts, this book has the coolest photos to bring kid
Follow along with your favorite Angry Birds characters as they fly around the world discovering continents, countries, and cultures. Kids will be hooked on a wacky search for the Angry Birds' eggs as
They live in spooky caves, in forests, even in the dark reaches of ordinary attics and bridges. They flock by the hundreds, and they sleep while hanging upside down! In this beautifully photographed L
From pigeon pizza parties in New York City to koala street crossings in Australia, wild animals all over the world show us how they live in cities, interact with humans, and strut their street smarts
Hands-on guidance to managing pediatric patients with neurologic disorders "...a comprehensive and timely reference of pediatric neurological problems for practitioners on the go. Particularly given
Nearly ten years after the Asian Financial Crisis, financial turmoil has reappeared – this time it is ravaging the world's wealthiest countries and dragging the global economy along
Providing an overview of the formative years of a junior doctor’s career, The Foundation Programme at a Glance consolidates the generic and condition-specific skills required to excel in this stage of
From the story:After showering, Carol, wearing her short rode, started to leave the bathroom. When she saw the priest busy with a notepad, she quickly shut the door and grabbed the only clothes there
Securing the Outdoor Construction Site: Strategy, Prevention, and Mitigation offers a holistic view of security planning for vulnerable capital projects, providing the strategic and tactical plans nee