Rapture, Carol Ann Duffy's seventh collection, is a book-length love-poem, and a moving act of personal testimony; but what sets these poems apart from other treatments of the subject is that Duff
本書深入教育工作者最關注的兩項議題:評量方法與有效學習,徹底研究多元評量、揭示差異化教學如何精進不同年段與領域的學習過程。 作者Carol Ann Tomlinson和Tonya R. Moon先將差異化做一概述,再著重其理論如何應用於各種形式的評量,如:前測、形成性評量、總結性評量及成績單等。閱讀此書後,對於差異化評量方法的斬獲:․提升學生興趣及動機;․澄清教師教學的重心;․強化師生習得之信念;․幫助教師了解個別學生異同,促進有效教學。 Tomlinson和Moon強調教與學的五個要素(課程、引導、評量、學習環境和課堂領導/管理)間的相互關聯,以及無論學生學習起點為何,保持學生對於所學知識、理解和技能一以貫之的重要性。書中所示之詳細情境,說明如何以差異化的三個變項(學習準備度、興趣和學習風格)設計評量,及如何提升評量的效度。 本書奠基研究基礎,結合作者課堂教學實務,深入淺出,為探索、奮力發揮真實潛能的教師與學生,勾勒出兼具理論與實務的學習樣貌。
Kuhlthau (library and information science, Rutgers U.) et al. show preK-12 teachers, school librarians, and principals a framework for designing and implementing guided inquiry that is tailored to the
As eloquent as it is alarming, Carol Ann Bassett’s portrait of today’s Galapagos depicts a deadly collision of economics, politics, and the environment that may destroy one of the world’s last Edens.
A consummate insider as the girlfriend of Lindsey Buckingham, Fleetwood Mac singer and guitarist, Carol Ann Harris leads fans into the very heart of the band’s storms between 1976 and 1984. Fro