Jacob loves playing dress-up, when he can be anything he wants to be. Some kids at school say he can't wear "girl" clothes, but Jacob wants to wear a dress to school. Can he convince his parents to le
Intended primarily for Principles of Economics courses, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals. ? Reviewers tell us that Case/Fair/Oster is one of the
《藝術治療手冊》在許多場合已堪稱藝術治療理論與實務標準概論類的教科書。這本全面性的書籍專注在藝術治療師的工作上:他們做什麼、他們在哪兒執業,以及如何與為何藝術和治療加在一起能幫助療癒和瞭解所突顯的問題。本書對這個專業的新進展有清晰的描述,包括神經科學、研究、個人執業以及科技對治療場域影響的幾個部分。 Caroline Case 與Tessa Dalley有豐富的藝術治療教學、督導以及臨床實務的