痞客邦第二屆休閒旅遊潛力獎得主 King Chen,部落格累積人氣破千萬,暢玩關西旅遊指標!2020全面更新修訂史上最強19種交通票券詳解攻略!主題行程 X 路線規畫 X 地圖指引玩家極選推薦,直接照著走,輕鬆遊遍京阪神奈想在最短時間內,一次玩到四個城市最豐富的玩樂體驗嗎?想知道在有限的時間內,遊歷四個城市,該如何移動嗎?不知道如何規畫行程、如何選擇最適合自己行程的票券嗎?想去關西旅行,但沒有想法
跟著Tina老師,學做擬真、優雅的手工糖花細緻模擬花的千姿百態,從花形葉形製作到上色技巧全揭露【詳細圖解人氣必學花型 x 比賽花型 x 蛋糕裝飾配搭要訣】糖花是源自十九世紀英國的悠久工藝,通常會與蛋糕裝飾做結合,是十分精緻的美學,需使用易延展好塑形的塑糖配方,再以各種造型工具做出花芯、花蕊、花苞、花瓣,以及葉片、葉莖,再組合成一朵朵真實花朵般的樣貌。糖花製作過程比較繁複,也因此能完全展現出職人技術
當年笨拙內向、狼狽離開史丹佛的Winnie如今改頭換面,以成功人士之姿邀她參與自己的假貨生意;菁英律師Ava為了家庭放棄事業,生活卻令她備感挫折。她決定冒險一回!不料Winnie卻人間蒸發…HUSTLERS meets BIG LITTLE LIES in the heist of the summer...'Propulsive and captivating' VogueMeet Ava: rule-abiding lawyer who has ticked all of life's boxes. She's married to a successful surgeon and has just taken an indefinite career break to raise her adorable toddler. A picture-perfect life.Meet Winnie: Ava's old college roommate. Once awkward, quiet and apparently academically challenged, she left Stanford in a shroud of scandal. But now, she is charismatic, wealthy and has returned to town dripping in designer accessories.An actual perfect life. When the two women bump into one another at a local coffee shop, it seems like fate has intervened: Winnie's new-found success is courtesy of a shady business and she needs a favour; Ava is realising she is not built for the stay-at-home life. But what starts as one favour turns into two, then three, and soon Ava is in far deeper than she ever