Berkofsky, L.,Faiman, D. (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel),Gale, J.
Algom, D. (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel)
D. Walz (EDT)/ S. Roy Caplan (EDT)/ Israel R. Miller (EDT)/ Giulio Milazzo (EDT)
Eugene D. Jaffe,Israel D. Nebenzahl
Guy D. (Tel-Aviv University Stiebel Israel)
Jerold H. Israel,Ellen S. Podgor,Paul D. Borman,Peter J. Henning,Miriam Baer,Gregory M. Gilchrist
Robert D. Friedel/ Paul Israel/ Bernard S. Finn
Roel R. Lopez,Jared Beaver,Israel D. Parker,Michael L. Morrison
Roel R. Lopez/ Michael L. Morrison/ Israel D. Parker
Soler, Lena,Zwart, Sjoerd D.,Lynch, Michael,Israel-Jost, Vincent
Warren D. Seider (University of Pennsylvania),Daniel R. (Technion Lewin the Israel Institute of Technology),J. D. Seader (University of Utah),Soemantri (Bandung Institute of Technology Widagdo Indones
White, James (Professor of Plant Biology, Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA),Kumar, Ajay (Researcher, Agriculture Research Organization, Volcani Center, Rishon, Lezziyon, Israel),D
;Bakal, Jeffrey A. (Program Director, Provincial Research Data Services, Data Integration Management and Reporting of Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada),Gibson, Michael (Beth Israel D