Forged in the secretive world of covert operations, Unlocking Secrets uses real crime and practical examples to reveal the new frontier in interpersonal communications: advanced psychological skills.
The best journalists are masters at their craft. With a comma and a colon, a vivid verb and a colorful adjective, they not only convey important information but also create a sense of place and evoke
A terrific take on theatre singing by a master teacher. "DavidCraig knows more about singing in the musical theatre than anyone in this country - which probably means the world. Time and time again
Craig (sociology of health and medicine and international social policy, U. of Auckland) explores the construction of everyday household health in the southeast Asian country, which integrates classic
Lying is a normal part of human communication and is sometimesnecessary to protect someone’s feelings. At the sametime, there are also malicious lies meant to deceive, cheat, and defraud.Especially in
This book is an account of travels round the world, in Africa, America, Australia, and Europe, to discover the significance of great cliffs and outcrops, to see at first hand how people have lived in
In the Clearances of the 19th century, crofts - once the mainstay of Highland life in Scotland - were swept away as the land was put over to sheep grazing. The author sets out to discover how many of