Barry W. Feig (EDT)/ David H. Berger M.D. (EDT)/ George M. Fuhrman M.D. (EDT)
Cass R. Sunstein/ Reid Hastie/ John W. Payne/ David A. Schkade/ W. Kip Viscusi/ George L. Priest (INT)
David R. Boone (EDT)/ Richard W. Castenholz (EDT)/ George M. Garrity (EDT)
David W. Birchall/ George Tovstiga
David W. Penney and George Horse Capture
David W. Torrance/ George Taylor
G. Richard Garrison/ George W. Rustay/ David Gebhard (FRW)
George Aichele/ Fred W. Burnett/ Elizabeth A. Castelli (EDT)/ Robert M. Fowler/ David Jobling/ Stephen D. Moore (EDT)
George Henderson/ David W. Levy (FRW)
George R. Beasley-Murray/ Bruce M. Metzger (EDT)/ David A. Hubbard (EDT)/ Glenn W. Barker (EDT)/ John D. W. Watts (EDT)
George W. Downs/ David M. Rocke
George W. Fairweather; David H. Sanders; David L. Cressler; Hugo Maynard
George W. Kosicki/ David C. Came (CON)
George W. Kosicki/ David C. Came (CON)/ Kazimierz Chwalek (FRW)
George W. Squier/ Julie A. Doyle (EDT)/ Julie A. Doyle/ John David Smith/ Richard M. McMurry
J. George Shanthikumar (EDT)/ David D. Yao (EDT)/ W. H. M. Zijm (EDT)
John A. Ausink/ Kristin F. Lynch/ James A. Leftwich/ H. G. Massey/ David W. George
Luther E. Lindler (EDT)/ Frank J. Lebeda (EDT)/ George W. Korch (EDT)/ David R. Franz (FRW)/ Matthew Meselson Ph.D. (EDT)
Mark A. Noll/ David W. Bebbington/ George M. Marsden
Wang, Yan (Associate Professor and George W. Woodruff Faculty Fellow, School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA),McDowell, David L. (Regents' Professor and C