From Inner-City Nobody to Brilliant Neurosurgeon When Ben Carson was in school, his classmates called him the class dummy. Many---including Ben himself---doubted that he would ever amount to anything.
Little children love babies. They're fascinated by the idea that they themselves came into the world as tiny infants and intrigued by the actions of younger children. This beautiful and unusual book w
Recounts the life and career of basketball star David Robinson, known as "the Admiral" because he was an Annapolis graduate who served in the Navy before joining the NBA, and discusses the role of his
Throughout his life, renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson has needed to overcome many obstacles: his father leaving the family; being considered stupid by his classmates in grade school; growing
Throughout his life, renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson has needed to overcome many obstacles: His father leaving the family; being considered stupid by his classmates in grade school; growing