Peter (The late Regius Professor of Civil Law Birks University of Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College);Descheemaeker, Eric (University of Edinburgh)
The common law, despite procedural divisions, has only ever had one class of civil wrongs. The civilians, by contrast, have typically split their law of wrongs in two, one group being called "delicts"
Possession is a topic which has been researched for centuries, yet there is a surprising dearth of comparative materials and also very little available in English about the law of non-Anglophone juris
The Roman Law of Obligations presents a series of lectures delivered by the late Peter Birks as an introductory course in Roman law. Discovered in complete manuscript form following his death, the lec
The delict of iniuria is among the most sophisticated products of the Roman legal tradition. The original focus of the delict was assault, although iniuria - literally a wrong or unlawful act - indica