A deeper understanding of the grand history of mission leads to a faithful expression of God's mission today.From the beginning, God's mission has been carried out by people sent around the world. Fro
Synopsis: "From a mission field to a missions sender." These words capture the story of the Brazilian evangelical church, which has gone from receiving missionaries in the nineteenth and twentieth cen
What happens to the church when the emperor becomes a Christian? Seventeen hundred years after Constantine's victory at Milvian Bridge, scholars and students of history continue to debate the life and
Lauded for his thoughts, Augustine of Hippo (354-430) has influenced virtually every philosopher of the last fifteen hundred years. But his personal character and ministry are even more remarkable, fo
The aim of this book is to begin a discussion about early Christian mission that will impact how we think about and approach mission today. To facilitate this, each chapter includes a relevant passage
On the eve of his battle against Maxentius at Milvian Bridge in 312, Flavius Valerius Constantinus (ca. 273/74–337) reportedly saw a symbol in the sky, which played a role in his conversion to faith i
A French historian specializing in early Christian Africa, Decret wrote Le Christianisme en Afrique du Nord Ancienne, published by Seuil in Paris in 1996. The English translation by Smither (church hi