Cutting-edge insight from the leader in trading technologyIn Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures, noted technical analyst John Ehlers continues to enlighten readers on the art of predicting the
Predict the future more accurately in today's difficult trading timesThe Holy Grail of trading is knowing what the markets will do next. Technical analysis is the art of predicting the market based on
"This is a technical resource book written for self-directed traders who want to understand the scientific underpinnings of the filters and indicators they use in their trading decisions. There is ple
Makes one of the most popular tools of market analysis available to a wider audience of traders and technical analysts Pioneered by John Ehlers in the late 1970s, the MESA method of price pattern anal
This book is written as a general overview of the Ice Age, with particular emphasis on glacial periods and the landscape and sedimentary record left by glacial action. The book is exceptionally richly
This book is written as a general overview of the Ice Age, with particular emphasis on glacial periods and the landscape and sedimentary record left by glacial action. The book is exceptionally richly
Nadine Ehlers examines the constructions of blackness and whiteness cultivated in the U.S. imaginary and asks, how do individuals become racial subjects? She analyzes anti-miscegenation law, statutory