"Val and Don Feigenbaum's no nonsense, engineering-based approach to quality has allowed us to make a threshold reduction in failure costs with resulting improvement in customer satisfaction and botto
Essential management lessons from the. creator of the TQC movement. "The Power of Management Innovation" distills the information. in the authors 2003 classic, "The Power of. Management Capital," Mana
A complete guide to financial self-defense for people facing divorceWritten by two noted divorce planning experts, this book arms readers with the knowledge and tools they need to make it through a di
Through a study of French petroleum policy over the last fifty years, Harvey B. Feigenbaum presents a theoretical analysis of public enterprise and a general analysis of the relationship of state to s
Through a study of French petroleum policy over the last fifty years, Harvey B. Feigenbaum presents a theoretical analysis of public enterprise and a general analysis of the relationship of state to s
The world’s most profitable companies share two things in common: quality of management and management capital. Combining leadership passion for creating growth and profitability (quality of managemen
Privatization has spread worldwide during the 1980s and 1990s, and has significantly reshaped the balance between state and market in many countries. This book provides a comparative political analysis of the development, form, character and causes of privatization in three countries: the UK, USA and France. The authors argue that privatization is a political phenomenon and should be analyzed as such, rather than being seen as an economic response to the growth of the state and the cost of state provision. Privatization frequently has explicit political goals, and has consequences which redistribute costs and benefits to different groups. The book presents a threefold typology of privatization policy - pragmatic, tactical and systemic - and relates it to the experiences of USA, France and UK respectively. It will be of interest to students and scholars of politics, economics, public policy and business studies, as well as policy-makers and consultants in the field of privatization.
Privatization has spread worldwide during the 1980s and 1990s, and has significantly reshaped the balance between state and market in many countries. This book provides a comparative political analysis of the development, form, character and causes of privatization in three countries: the UK, USA and France. The authors argue that privatization is a political phenomenon and should be analyzed as such, rather than being seen as an economic response to the growth of the state and the cost of state provision. Privatization frequently has explicit political goals, and has consequences which redistribute costs and benefits to different groups. The book presents a threefold typology of privatization policy - pragmatic, tactical and systemic - and relates it to the experiences of USA, France and UK respectively. It will be of interest to students and scholars of politics, economics, public policy and business studies, as well as policy-makers and consultants in the field of privatization.
Processes of fighting unequal citizenship have historically prioritized literacy education, through which people envision universal first-class citizenship and devise practical methods for enacting th
Chemical weapons are banned from war zones. But today, tear gas has become the most commonly used form of “less-lethal” police force. In 2011, the year that protests exploded from the Arab Spring
Feigenbaum (Secretary's Policy Planning Staff, U.S. Department of State) argues that the construction of China's technology infrastructure over the 50 years since the Revolution has been centered on,
Building Intelligent Information Systems Software shows scientists and engineers how to build applications that model complex information, data, and knowledge without the need for coding. Traditional
This book explores the principles of the display of art in the magnificent Roman palaces of the early modern period, focusing attention on how the parts function to convey multiple artistic, social, a