In Out of a Dark Winter’s Night, illustrator and author Flora McDonnell tells the story of a small child whose spirit of adventure is dampened when the day ends and gives way to night. Taking their wh
Mingshan, which literally means "Famous mountains", refers to a group of mountains in China that have been set apart for special veneration since ancient times. This book examines sixteenth-century pa
Children can look, point, touch, count, and say goodnight to all their animal friends! This sturdy board book is perfect for teaching little ones about different facial features. Children can point to
his book contains over forty of the best-loved fairy stories, retold by Flora Annie Steel, and beautifully illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Favourites such as Jack the Giant-killer, Jack and the Beansta
連大人都想排隊報名的「葳姐親子英語共學」版主葳姐領軍! 橫跨金融、電子科技、英語教學界最強專業師資群! ★隨書附贈!發音示範!QR Code線上音檔,現學現說! ◎please代表請,但如果說:「Give me some water, please.」你就會被當成奧客。 ◎別再跟部屬說:Do you understand?(你懂我意思嗎?), 更好的說法是:Do you get it? ◎點餐要用哪個動詞?別用order,你得說:I’d like to have… ◎say、tell、talk,都是「說」,用法差在哪?see、look、watch,又該怎麼分? 本書作者周昱葳(葳姐),成立「葳姐親子英語共學」線上平臺近5年, 因為簡單說故事,且具有MBA商學院背景, 她設計的英語線上課程,實用到連大人都搶報名。 本書從心智圖、片語動詞、時態變化、助動詞、基本句型, 搭配超過200組的生活例句、實戰練習題, 告訴你,英文要學好,這6個動詞就夠了! ◎ 六大動詞,10天英語表達能力速成 介紹六大動詞:be、have、do、say、get、make, 教你用你早就會的簡單動詞,食衣住行玩,完整表達自己的想法、經驗。 問同事午餐哪裡吃?have lunch比eat lunch更道地! like只代表喜歡?美國明星泰勒絲曾在致詞典禮上,提到了20次的like。 本書特別收錄like六大用法 ╳ 大明星金句 ╳ 獨創心情溫度計(第4天)。 ◎ 職場、考試、生活,一定會用到的動詞 用圖像式記憶,教你從核心字義掌握,一學就懂!例如: ‧打開(關掉)電視,用open(close)?正確是:turn on(turn off)。 ‧交報告怎麼說?你可以用turn in the report,或是submit the report。 ‧take(拿) + off(離開)=請假: I want to take two days off.(我想要請假兩天。) ‧搭公車用get on、搭乘計程車則是用get into。 ‧倒垃圾、外帶食物,都是用take out。 ◎ 職場英文好好聊!疑問詞&附加問句 只要用5W1H,就能輕鬆打開話匣子,跟別人聊不停!例如: Who’s calling?(電話中,請問你是誰?) Who will join us?(誰會跟我們一起去?) When will the