Frederic Bozo/ Susan Emanuel (TRN)
Bozo, Frederic (University of the Sorbonne Paris France),Rodder, Andreas (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Jgu) Germany),Sarotte, Mary Elise
Bozo, Frederic,Wenkel, Christian
Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Andreas Ro?︸er (EDT)/ Mary Elise Sarotte (EDT)
Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Marie-pierre Rey (EDT)/ Bernd Rother (EDT)/ N. Piers Ludlow (EDT)
Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Marie-pierre Rey (EDT)/ N. Piers Ludlow (EDT)/ Leopoldo Nuti (EDT)
Leopoldo Nuti (EDT)/ Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Marie-pierre Rey (EDT)/ Bernd Rother (EDT)
Stanley Hoffmann/ Frederic Bozo