Berwal, Parveen (Galgotia College of Eng. and Tech.),Dhatterwal, Jagjit Singh (PDM Univ),Kaswan, Kuldeep Singh (Galgotias Univ),Kant, Shashi (Bule Hora Uni.)
Johri, Prashant (Professor, School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India),Verma, Jitendra Kumar (Assistant Professor, School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotia
Parveen Berwal (Galgotia College of Eng. and Tech.),Jagjit Singh Dhatterwal (Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation),Kuldeep Singh Kaswan (Galgotias Univ),Shashi Kant (Bule Hora Uni.)