"A hell of an adventure story." -- Ring Lardner Jr. "A story of what is best in human beings triumphing over what is worst." -- John Sayles November 1943: American flyer George Watt parachutes out of
A sympathetic view of the fallen women in Victorian England begins in the novel. First published in 1984, this book shows that the fallen woman in the nineteenth-century novel is, amongst other things
Utilize this comprehensive guide in your organization to create a corporate incubator that protects innovative ideas from oppressive corporate processes and culture and gives those ideas the resources
Does your organization fumble when it comes to innovation? The Innovative CIO' presents a pragmatic guide to overcoming the 10 innovation killers' within your company. --Dennis McCafferty CIO Insight,
Using tools that have been successfully used to produce blockbuster motion pictures as primary examples, this book explains how to apply multithreading programming techniques to problems often encount