Tailleur, Julien (Director of Research, Director of Research, CNRS, University of Paris),Gompper, Gerhard (Professor of Physics, Professor of Physics, University of Cologne),Marchetti, M. Cristina (P
Soft Matter encompasses a wide range of systems of varying components,including synthetic and biological polymers, colloids, and amphiphiles. The distinguishing features of these systems is their char
Soft Matter encompasses a wide range of systems of varying components, including synthetic and biological polymers, colloids, and amphiphiles. The distinguishing features of these systems is their cha
This third volume in the series treats the physical aspects of polymers and colloids, including entropic attraction and ordering, inhomogeneous rod and platelet fluids, patterned substrates, and melti
The fourth volume in this series focuses on biological membrane science, in particular its biophysics. Clearly divided into two parts, the first covers red blood cell shapes, while the second part on
Dogs are the world's most common and widespread carnivores and are nearly ubiquitous across the globe. The vast majority of these dogs, whether owned or un-owned, pure-bred or stray, spend a large por