Harald Ginzky (EDT)/ Elizabeth Dooley (EDT)/ Irene L. Heuser (EDT)/ Emmanuel Kasimbazi (EDT)/ Till Markus (EDT)
Harald Ginzky (EDT)/ Irene L. Heuser (EDT)/ Tianbao Qin (EDT)/ Oliver C. Ruppel (EDT)/ Patrick Wegerdt (EDT)
Herman J. 1851-1933 Heuser
Heuser Herman J. (Herman Joseph)
;Duyvesteyn, Isabelle (Universiteit Leiden),Heuser, Beatrice (University of Glasgow)
;Duyvesteyn, Isabelle (Universiteit Leiden),Heuser, Beatrice (University of Glasgow)
Anja V. Hartmann (EDT)/ Beatrice Heuser (EDT)
Beatrice (Chair of International Relations Heuser Chair of International Relations University of Glasgow)
Beatrice G. Heuser/ Athena S. Leoussi