Neil (Victoria University Hooley Australia)
Hooley, Tristram,Sultana, Ronald,Thomsen, Rie
Tristram Hooley (EDT)/ Ronald Sultana (EDT)/ Rie Thomsen (EDT)
Tristram Hooley,Gill Frigerio,Rosie Alexander
Andrew Burrows (EDT)/ Michael Bridge (CON)/ Malcolm Clarke (CON)/ Richard Hooley (CON)/ Ewan McKendrick (CON)
Catherine Marshall/ Richard M. Hooley
David Andrews,Tristram Hooley
Dr. Tristram (Head of iCeGS Hooley University of Derby UK),Dr Rachel (University of Newcastle Buchanan Australia)
Graham Hooley,Brigitte Nicoulaud,John Rudd,Nick Lee
Graham Hooley,Nigel Piercy,Brigitte Nicoulaud,John Rudd,Nick Lee