David Weisburd (EDT)/ Thomas E. Feucht (EDT)/ Idit Hakimi (EDT)/ Lois Felson Mock (EDT)/ Simon Perry (EDT)
John Gal (EDT)/ Idit Weiss-gal (EDT)
Alphandary, Idit (Tel Aviv University, Israel),Koczanowicz, Leszek (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland)
Edited by Idit Alphandary and Leszek Koczanowicz
Gal, John,Weiss-Gal, Idit
Haya Bar-Itzhak (EDT)/ Idit Pintel-ginsberg (EDT)/ Rella Kushelevsky (CON)/ Eli Yassif (CON)
Idit Dobbs-Weinstein (EDT)/ Lenn E. Goodman (EDT)
Idit Dobbs-Weinstein (EDT)/ Lenn E. Goodman (EDT)/ James Allen Grady (EDT)
Idit H. Ronen Setter/ Ruth Ben-mayor/ Liat Aluf
Idit Weiss (EDT)/ John Gal (EDT)/ John Dixon (EDT)
John (Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare Gal Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel.),Idit (Bob Shapell School of Social Work Weiss-Gal Tel Aviv University. Israel.)
Timothy J. Shaffer (EDT)/ Nicholas V. Longo (EDT)/ Idit Manosevitch (EDT)/ Maxine S. Thomas (EDT)