;Ozsahin, Dilber Uzun, PhD (University of Sharjah),Ozsahin, Ilker, PhD (Near East University)
Atac, Ilker (University of Vienna, Austria),Rygiel, Kim (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada),Stierl, Maurice (University of Warwick, UK)
Bediz Yilmaz (EDT)/ Cavidan Soykan (EDT)/ Gerda Heck (EDT)/ Ata? Ilker (EDT)/ Philipp Ratfisch (EDT)
Cengiz Kahraman (EDT)/ Y. Ilker Top蓰 (EDT)
Coerut, Ilker (American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyz Republic),Jongerden, Joost (Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Dilber Uzun (Department of Biomedical Engineering Ozsahin Faculty of Engineering Near East University Turkey),Ilker Ozsahin (International Postdoctoral Research Scholarship from The Scientific and Tec
Edited by Ilker Corut and Joost Jongerden
Ilker Atac (EDT)/ Kim Rygiel (EDT)/ Maurice Stierl (EDT)
Ozsahin, Ilker (International Postdoctoral Research Scholarship from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospita