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Edmund Burke/ J. C. D. Clark (EDT)/ J. C. D. Clark (2)
Eric C. (Victoria University Schwarz Australia),Jason D. (Rockford University Hunter USA),Kyle J. (University of Wisconsin - Parkside Brannigan USA),Kevin P. (University of Dubuque Cattani USA) (2)
Helen D. (University of Denver Hazen USA),Heike C. (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Alberts USA.),Kazimierz J. (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Zaniewski USA.) (2)
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J. Den Boeft/ J. W. Drijvers/ D. Den Hengst/ H. C. Teitler (2)
J. Den Boeft/ J. W. Drijvers/ D. den Hengst/ H. C. Teitler (2)
James W. Archer D. C. J. (2)

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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Mathematical Modelling of Heat Transfer Performance of Heat Exchanger using Nanofluids
定價:2989 元, 優惠價:95 2839
Inferno Scorcher
作者:J. C.; D. C.  出版社:Authorhouse  出版日:2017/12/21 裝訂:平裝
定價:835 元, 優惠價:1 835
作者:J. C. D. Huber  出版社:LEGARE STREET PR  出版日:2022/10/27 裝訂:精裝
定價:1948 元, 優惠價:1 1948
The Language of Liberty 1660–1832:Political Discourse and Social Dynamics in the Anglo-American World, 1660–1832
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1993/10/14 裝訂:平裝
This book creates a new framework for the political and intellectual relations between the British Isles and America in a momentous period which witnessed the formation of modern states on both sides of the Atlantic and the extinction of an Anglican, aristocratic and monarchical order. Jonathan Clark integrates evidence from law and religion to reveal how the dynamics of early modern societies were essentially denominational. In a study of British and American discourse, he shows how rival conceptions of liberty were expressed in the conflicts created by Protestant dissent's hostility to an Anglican hegemony. The book argues that this model provides a key to collective acts of resistance to the established order throughout the period. The book's final section focuses on the defining episode for British and American history, and shows the way in which the American Revolution can be understood as a war of religion.
定價:2339 元, 優惠價:9 2105
Samuel Johnson:Literature, Religion and English Cultural Politics from the Restoration to Romanticism
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1994/10/27 裝訂:平裝
This book offers an analysis of the life and thought of the writer Samuel Johnson from an historian's viewpoint, reversing the orthodoxy which has dominated the subject for over thirty years. Jonathan Clark, who has written extensively on English and American religion, ideology and politics in the eighteenth century, presents here a Johnson strikingly different from the apolitical, pragmatic and eccentric figure who emerges from the pages of most students of English literature. Johnson's commitments and conflicts in religion and politics, obscured since Macaulay, are reconstructed; his role in the literary dynamics of his age is revealed against a new context for English cultural politics between the Restoration and the age of Romanticism. This book will therefore be of interest not only to Johnsonians but to historians of ideas and students of English literature.
定價:1754 元, 優惠價:9 1579
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2000/03/16 裝訂:精裝
This is a revised and extensively rewritten edition of a work first published in 1985 as English Society 1688–1832. That book arrived at the opening of a new phase in English historiography, which questioned much of the received picture of English society as secular, modernising, contractarian, and middle class; it began the recovery of the 'long eighteenth century', the period which saw a form of state defined by the close relationship of monarchy, aristocracy and church. In particular, it placed religion at the centre of social and intellectual life, and used ecclesiastical history to illuminate many historical themes more commonly examined in a secular framework. In its updated form, this book reinforces these theses with new evidence, which extends its arguments into fresh areas of enquiry.
Revolution and Rebellion:State and Society in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1986/10/30 裝訂:平裝
This iconoclastic and satirical book provides a radical reconstruction of the recent historiography of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It creates an alliance between those revisionist historians who have rewritten the received account of the origins of the English Civil War and those historians who have been rethinking the Hanoverian era. Revolution and Rebellion is thus a companion volume to the author's English Society 1688–1832. The book counters the Marxist interpretation of the 1640s and the 'English Revolution' by developing our new understanding of the non-revolutionary nature of the world after 1660: it challenges the appropriateness of 'revolution' as a description of events like those of 1688, 1715, 1745, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution or the Reform Bill, drawing attention instead to the idea of 'rebellion'. This is the first book so to link English history in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and it will be required reading for students a
定價:2274 元, 優惠價:9 2047
Luna Índigo VI & VII: VI- Los secretos revelados, VII- El último hechizo
作者:J. D. C. M.  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/04/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:432 元, 優惠價:1 432
Luna Índigo III, IV & V: III- La Reversión del Hechizo, IV- La Misión Imposible, V- Guerra
作者:J. D. C. M.  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/04/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:432 元, 優惠價:1 432
Nine Tales: A Short Story Collection
作者:J. C. D. Kerwin  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/07/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:428 元, 優惠價:1 428
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2018/05/22 裝訂:精裝
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was England's greatest revolutionary: no other reformer was as actively involved in events of the scale of the American and French Revolutions, and none wrote such best-sellin
English Society, 1660–1832:Religion, Ideology and Politics during the Ancien Régime
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2000/03/16 裝訂:平裝
This is a revised and extensively rewritten edition of a work first published in 1985 as English Society 1688–1832. That book arrived at the opening of a new phase in English historiography, which questioned much of the received picture of English society as secular, modernising, contractarian, and middle class; it began the recovery of the 'long eighteenth century', the period which saw a form of state defined by the close relationship of monarchy, aristocracy and church. In particular, it placed religion at the centre of social and intellectual life, and used ecclesiastical history to illuminate many historical themes more commonly examined in a secular framework. In its updated form, this book reinforces these theses with new evidence, which extends its arguments into fresh areas of enquiry.
定價:2664 元, 優惠價:9 2398
Luna Índigo III, IV & V: III- La Reversión del Hechizo, IV- La Misión Imposible, V- Guerra
作者:J. D. C. M.  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/03/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:336 元, 優惠價:1 336
Luna Índigo VI & VII: VI- Los secretos revelados, VII- El último hechizo
作者:J. D. C. M.  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/03/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:336 元, 優惠價:1 336
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1994/10/27 裝訂:精裝
This book offers an analysis of the life and thought of the writer Samuel Johnson from an historian's viewpoint, reversing the orthodoxy which has dominated the subject for over thirty years. Jonathan Clark, who has written extensively on English and American religion, ideology and politics in the eighteenth century, presents here a Johnson strikingly different from the apolitical, pragmatic and eccentric figure who emerges from the pages of most students of English literature. Johnson's commitments and conflicts in religion and politics, obscured since Macaulay, are reconstructed; his role in the literary dynamics of his age is revealed against a new context for English cultural politics between the Restoration and the age of Romanticism. This book will therefore be of interest not only to Johnsonians but to historians of ideas and students of English literature.
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2002/07/18 裝訂:平裝
It is often assumed that Sir Lewis Namier and Sir Herbert Butterfield demolished the 'Whig interpretation of history'. In fact, much was allowed to remain standing by their failure to offer a new synthesis of English party politics. In this book Dr Clark provides the key component for such a new synthesis by a detailed exposition of the crisis of the 1750s, which was instrumental in the destruction of the party system and the emergence of new practices in the multi-factional world. The Court v. Country analysis of the politics of c. 1714–1760, still widely current, is refuted by a demonstration of the survival of the Whig and Tory parties of Queen Anne's reign until the 1750s; the long debate about George III and the constitution is set in a new perspective; and major new insights are offered into the nature of party and party politics.
The Memoirs and Speeches of James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave 1742–1763
作者:J. C. D. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2002/07/25 裝訂:平裝
The Memoirs of James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave (1715–63) rank with those of Horace Walpole and Lord Hervey as classics of eighteenth-century political literature. They have an additional significance as a record of the momentous political crisis of 1754–7, which heralded the break-up of the early Hanoverian party system and laid the foundations for the pattern of alignments of the last half of the century. Waldegrave's Memoirs, first published in 1821, played a major part in the development of the Whig interpretation of the English past by apparently providing evidence in support of the Holland House thesis of a new royal absolutism, devised at Leicester House in the 1750s and implemented on the accession of George III in 1760. In an important introduction, Dr Clark unravels the nineteenth-century historiographical misconceptions of this problem and shows how Waldegrave's text was misused for polemical Whig purposes.
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754
Geschichte der Gründung und Entwicklung des Vereins der deutschen Reinsprache
作者:J. D. C. Brugger  出版社:Outlook Verlag  出版日:2022/07/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:3355 元, 優惠價:1 3355
作者:J. D. C. Brugger  出版社:Outlook Verlag  出版日:2022/07/03 裝訂:精裝
Luna Índigo: I- El misterio del bosque, II- El viaje hacia el sur
作者:J. D. C. M.  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/04/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:432 元, 優惠價:1 432
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