From easy-to-implement techniques to templates for planning lengthy curriculum units, this comprehensive resource offers K–12 teachers ready-to-use strategies that honor students' diverse learning sty
From easy-to-implement techniques to templates for planning lengthy curriculum units, this comprehensive resource offers K-12 teachers ready-to-use strategies that honor students' diverse learning st
Most executives lead with a purpose. Yet many lack self-knowledge, failing to recognize the limitations that accompany their strengths. They drive forward too boldly, unwittingly creating the potentia
Leverage proven teaching strategies to motivate all students!Students' learning styles are as unique as their personalities. As a result, the most successful teachers are often those who understand ho
Does your team do more arguing than deciding?Some conflict can be healthy for teams and PLCs, but when two sides are unwilling to compromise, that’s where polarity management comes in. By identifying
By using psychological types and learning styles as a means of understanding teachers' needs, educators can effectively "differentiate" their approach to working with teachers and increase the chance
Women have incredible potential to drive change in education if they step up to lead at all levels. In Step In, Step Up, authors Jane A. G. Kise and Barbara K. Watterston guide current and aspiring wo
Millions of people struggle with questions about how to pray, what to pray for, and even whether to pray at all. Nancy Jo Sullivan and Jane Kise help people get away from the magic formula mentality o
This resource shows how an understanding of personality types and adults' individual leadership styles helps build school teams that can collaborate and distribute leadership responsibilities more ef
Creating a Coaching Culture for Professional Learning Communities will help you build a collaborative coaching culture that ensures all adults learn in a way that keeps the focus on student learning.
For a decade, Work It Out has been at the forefront helping business leaders, managers, and consultants resolve conflict and miscommunication in the workplace. Now this newly revised edition brings cu
This updated comprehensive guide helps people discover how God has uniquely created them. Engaging stories, inventories, self-tests, and other easy-to-use exercises make Discover Who You Are a one-ofa
This updated comprehensive guide helps people discover how God has uniquely created them. Engaging stories, inventories, self-tests, and other easy-to-use exercises make Discover Who You Are a one-ofa