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David R. Anderson/ Dennis J. Sweeney/ Thomas A. Williams/ Jeffrey D. Camm/ James J. Cochran (9)
Jeffrey C. Williams (5)
Jeffrey Williams (5)
Jeffrey H. Williams (4)
Jeffrey J. Williams (4)
Jeffrey P. Williams (4)
David R. Anderson、Dennis J. Sweeney、Thomas A. Williams、Jeffrey D. Camm、James J. Cochran、Michael J. Fry、Jeffrey W. Ohlmann (2)
Jeffrey Camm (Wake Forest University),James Cochran (University of Alabama),David Anderson (University of Cincinnati),Dennis Sweeney (University of Cincinnati),Thomas Williams (Rochester Institute of (2)
Jeffrey J. Williams (EDT) (2)
Jeffrey L. Williams (2)
Rapport, Frances,Clay-Williams, Robyn (Macquarie University, Australia),Braithwaite, Jeffrey (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia) (2)
David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmannm原著 (1)
David R. Anderson/ Dennis J. Sweeney/ Thomas A. Williams/ Jeffrey D. Camm (1)
David R. Anderson/ Dennis J. Sweeney/ Thomas A. Williams/ Jeffrey D. Camm/ James James J. Cochran (1)
Edited by Jeffrey P. Williams (1)
Henry A. Giroux (EDT)/ Kostas Myrsiades (EDT)/ Jeffrey J. Williams (CON)/ Roger Simon (1)
James D. Williams/ Arthur E. Bogan/ Jeffrey T. Garner/ E. o. Wilson (FRW) (1)
Jeffrey Camm (Wake Forest University),David Anderson (University of Cincinnati),Dennis Sweeney (University of Cincinnati),Thomas Williams (Rochester Institute of Technology),James Cochran (University (1)
Jeffrey F. Williams (1)
Jeffrey Huw Williams (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (10)
Cengage Learning (8)
Morgan & Claypool (3)
South-Western Pub (3)
新加坡商聖智學習亞洲私人有限公 (3)
Cengage Learning, Inc (2)
Columbia Univ Pr (2)
Createspace Independent Pub (2)
Duke Univ Pr (2)
Fordham Univ Pr (2)
Independently published (2)
Oxford Univ Press USA (2)
Routledge (2)
Independently published (1)
Atlasbooks Dist Serv (1)
Cambridge University Press (1)
Cengage Learning Emea (1)
Concordia Pub House (1)
Free Pr (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Jeffrey Huw Williams  出版社:Morgan & Claypool  出版日:2014/04/15 裝訂:平裝
Weights and measures form an essential part of our ingrained view of the world. It is just about impossible to function effectively without some internalized system of measurement. In this volume, I o
定價:2000 元, 優惠價:1 2000
This volume investigates the methods and techniques used for studying expressivity in language, particularly in language documentation settings. The chapters explore a variety of different expressive
定價:660 元, 優惠價:1 660
本書序言●概念範圍。在第16 章,我們稍微對章節進行了重編,並進一步討論其他主題。首先,我們新增了一個關於應變數變化前後的迴歸模型的比較的討論。然後,我們還加入了一個使用杜賓一華生統計量(Durbin-Watson statistic)測試一階自身相關存在的例子。●軟體。我們改訂介紹軟體的逐步指令說明,整本書的數字也呼應使用Excel輸出結果。讓學生有機會體驗目前商業統計分析最普遍使用的軟體之一。●個案問題。本版更新了多個新個案。例如,第7 章是樣本比例的抽樣分配的個案﹔第8 章則是母體比例的區間估計的個案﹔第9 章中增加了母體比例的假說檢定的個案。本書的個案問題讓學生有機會解決更複雜的問題,分析較大的資料集以及根據分析結果,準備管理報告。●根據真實資料編寫的範例與習題。在新版中,我們在所有「應用」習題中加上標題,以使每個問題的應用程序更加明顯。我們持續根據最新的其實資料和統計資訊的參考來源來編寫範例和習題。本次改版新增眾多範例及習題。我們使用《華爾街日報》、《今日美國〉、〈金融時報〉等刊物的數據,從實際研究和應用中獲取資料,進行解釋及練習,藉以闡明統計在商業及經濟領域的廣泛用途。我們相信,使用真實的資料,有助於學生產生更高的興趣。新版包含許多根據其實資料編寫的範例及習題。●學習目標。我們也在每章的開頭新增了學習目標。這些目標是各章中最關鍵的概念。各個習題也分別標示學習目標,以便講者辨識習題所對應的學習目標為何。本書特色●本書內容採用問題情境導向的編寫方式,以解決實務問題為目標,引導出統計方法的介紹與應用。同時提供豐富的個案、範例與習題,闡明統計在商業及經濟領域的廣泛用途。讓讀者可隨時練習將統計方法應用在實務資料的處理上,有助於提升學習興趣。●邊欄、註腳及評註:邊欄註釋是本書的特色之一,將重要的概念標示於邊欄,用以強調內文中所提及的重要觀念。各章節後面附有評註,目的在提供學生對統計的方法及應用有更深入的瞭解。評註包括統計方法在應用上的警告或限制、應用建議、技術性考量的簡要說明等等。●方法習題、應用習題及補充習題:章節後習題分成兩個部分:「方法」和「應用」。「方法」習題要求學生使用公式及進行必要的計算。「應用」習題則要求學生於真實世界的實際情形中使用該章教材。補充習題與個案問題則是讓學生嘗試解決問題,以評估自己對於該單元的了解程度。●本書包含200個以上的Excel檔
定價:820 元, 優惠價:1 820
作者:Jeffrey Williams  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2023/07/05 裝訂:平裝
My First Coloring Book - Coloring Book For Kids: 100 coloring pages for kids
作者:Jeffrey Williams  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2020/12/15 裝訂:平裝
定價:360 元, 優惠價:1 360
作者:Jeffrey Williams  出版社:LULU PR  出版日:2024/01/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:1225 元, 優惠價:1 1225
Go Ask Alice: Crime Drama
作者:Jeffrey Williams  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2023/05/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:816 元, 優惠價:1 816
Theory and the Novel:Narrative Reflexivity in the British Tradition
作者:Jeffrey Williams  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Narrative features such as frames, digressions, or authorial intrusions have traditionally been viewed as distractions from or anomalies in the narrative proper. In Theory and the Novel Jeffrey Williams exposes these elements as more than simple disruptions, analysing them as registers of narrative reflexivity, that is, moments that represent and advertise the functioning of narrative itself. Williams argues that narrative encodes and advertises its own functioning and modal form. He takes a range of novels from the English canon - Tristram Shandy, Joseph Andrews, The Turn of the Screw, Wuthering Heights, Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness are amongst the novels examined - and shows how narrative technique is never beyond or outside plot. He poses a series of theoretical questions such as about reflexitivity, imitation and fictionality, to offer a striking and original contribution to readings of the English novel, as well as to discussions of theory in general.
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520
The Work of His Hands: A View of God's Creation from Space
作者:Jeffrey N. Williams  出版社:Concordia Pub House  出版日:2010/01/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:1 1330
After Theory: Criticism Since The 1980s
作者:Vincent Leitch; Jeffrey Williams  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2011/05/30 裝訂:平裝
After Theory forms a companion volume to Leitch's earlier American Literary Criticism from the 1930s to the 1980s, which is regarded as a standard in the field. American Literary Criticism covered a l
定價:1364 元, 優惠價:9 1228
作者:Jeffrey J. Williams (EDT)  出版社:New York Univ Pr  出版日:2004/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Featuring interviews with nineteen leading U.S. literary and cultural critics, Critics at Work offers a unique picture of recent developments in literary studies, critical theory, American studies, ga
定價:1920 元, 優惠價:1 1920
Renewable Advantage: Crafting Strategy Through Economic Time
作者:Jeffrey R. Williams  出版社:Free Pr  出版日:2008/09/15 裝訂:平裝
The task of continuously renewing a company is the greatest challenge confronting any chief executive. To enable managers to project renewal strategies likely to win in the future, Jeffrey Williams h
定價:720 元, 優惠價:79 569
作者:Jeffrey C. Williams  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1991/03/29 裝訂:精裝
Storage and Commodity Markets is primarily a work of economic theory, concerned with how the capability to store a surplus affects the prices and production of commodities. Its focus on the behaviour, over time, of aggregate stockpiles provides insights into such questions as how much a country should store out of its current supply of food considering the uncertainty in future harvests. Related topics covered include whether storage or international trade is a more effective buffer and whether stockpiles are more useful in raw or processed form. Several chapters are devoted to analysing such government programmes as price bands, buffer stocks, and strategic reserves. This material is in the domain of applied welfare analysis with public finance. Because the theory presented is sufficiently general, it should be of interest to macroeconomists studying aggregate inventories or savings and to those in operations research studying inventory and pricing policies of large firms.
The Economic Function of Futures Markets
作者:Jeffrey C. Williams  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1989/10/27 裝訂:平裝
This book offers an explanation of why commodity processors and dealers use futures markets. It argues that they use futures contracts as part of an implicit method of borrowing and lending commodities, contrary to the accepted view of dealers averse to the fluctuating value of their inventories wanting insurance against price risk. Employing models developed to explain the demand for money, this book demonstrates that risk-neutral dealers have sufficient reason to use futures markets. Moreover, the book exposes major internal inconsistencies in the accepted explanation. Rather than insurance markets, the appropriate analogy is the money market, which is the point the book establishes through discussing actual loan markets in commodities. This insight into the function of futures markets is then used to explain how futures prices for different delivery dates express a term structure of commodity-specific interest rates and why futures markets flourish for some types of commodities and
定價:2339 元, 優惠價:9 2105
作者:Jeffrey C. Williams  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1995/07/27 裝訂:精裝
The unprecedented rise and fall in silver's price during 1979 and 1980 resulted in charges against the Hunt brothers of Dallas of monopolization and market manipulation, charges which led to a lengthy trial. This book focuses on the economic analysis used at this trial. Drawing upon interviews with the judge, jury, attorneys and expert witnesses (the author having so served), it investigates the elusive definition of manipulation in sophisticated markets, the difficulties of interpreting statistical evidence, the imprecision in calculating damages, the hidden assumptions behind inferences concerning intent, and the hazards introduced when economic analysis enters complex litigation. The author concludes that these problems induce courtroom procedures to oversimplify the economic analysis and cause the law on market manipulation to be created retroactively. Yet the failure lies not with the legal institutions but with the futures exchanges who had not developed in advance the rules to m
Storage and Commodity Markets
作者:Jeffrey C. Williams  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/11/24 裝訂:平裝
Storage and Commodity Markets is primarily a work of economic theory, concerned with how the capability to store a surplus affects the prices and production of commodities. Its focus on the behaviour, over time, of aggregate stockpiles provides insights into such questions as how much a country should store out of its current supply of food considering the uncertainty in future harvests. Related topics covered include whether storage or international trade is a more effective buffer and whether stockpiles are more useful in raw or processed form. Several chapters are devoted to analysing such government programmes as price bands, buffer stocks, and strategic reserves. This material is in the domain of applied welfare analysis with public finance. Because the theory presented is sufficiently general, it should be of interest to macroeconomists studying aggregate inventories or savings and to those in operations research studying inventory and pricing policies of large firms.
定價:2989 元, 優惠價:9 2690
作者:Jeffrey J. Williams  出版社:Duke Univ Pr  出版日:2012/11/26 裝訂:精裝
In Unfree Masters, Matt Stahl examines recording artists' labor in the music industry as a form of creative work. He argues that the widespread perception of singers and musicians as free individuals
作者:Jeffrey J. Williams  出版社:Duke Univ Pr  出版日:2012/11/26 裝訂:平裝
In Unfree Masters, Matt Stahl examines recording artists' labor in the music industry as a form of creative work. He argues that the widespread perception of singers and musicians as free individuals
定價:1677 元, 優惠價:1 1677
Internet Security ― Take Control of Your Computer
作者:Richard Williams; Jeffrey Keetings  出版社:Atlasbooks Dist Serv  出版日:2015/01/20 裝訂:平裝
We rely so heavily on the internet for communication, information, entertainment, business and personal finance that we forget that we take a risk when we enter this digital realm. A whole host of dan
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
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