When budgets are dwindling, deadlines passing, and tempers flaring, the usual response is to browbeat the project team and point fingers of blame. Not helpful. For these situations, what is needed is
Fourth grade students practice language skills covering punctuation, verb tense, conjunctions, word meaning, and more in ten- to fifteen-minute daily lessons. This new edition has been completely upda
這本糖尿病手冊內含豐富的臨床智慧,且以臨床科學為背景,將能給糖尿病照顧團隊很大的幫助。本書經過重新改寫和修訂,對於糖尿病的重要議題提供清楚的說明,編排方式也讓讀者更易於查詢。本書收錄糖尿病教科書(Textbook of Diabetes)第二版的部分內容;該教科書獲獎無數,包含BMA Medical Book Competition及Royal Society of Medicine Book A
More toddler adventures with Bunny and Bee who live in a tree. These childlike characters live a simple life in their spectacular tree house surrounded by nature. Share their day and nighttime adventu
Unravelling the Double Helix covers the most colourful period in the history of DNA, from the discovery of 'nuclein' in the late 1860s to the landmark publication of James Watson's The Double Helix in