Stage Management offers readers a practical manual on how to stage manage in all theatre environments. Revered as the authoritative resource for stage management, this text is rich with practical reso
Stage Management offers readers a practical manual on how to stage manage in all theatre environments. Revered as the authoritative resource for stage management, this text is rich with practical reso
Reality TV. Celebutantes. YouTube. Sex Tapes. Gossip Blogs. Drunk Driving. Tabloids. Drug Overdoses. Is this entertainment? Why do we keep watching? What does it mean for our kids? In the last de
The face of entertainment has changed radically over the last decadeand dangerously so. Stars like Britney, Paris, Lindsay, Amy Winehouseand their media enablershave altered what w
Fabrigami is the art of folding fabrics to create three-dimensional objects ranging from the practical to the whimsical. Like paper, there are countless beautiful fabric designs to choose from, only f
Fold decorative origami objects out of cloth with this easy-to-use origami book.Fabrigami is the Asian art of folding fabrics to create three-dimensional objects ranging from the practical to the whim