The field of organizational behavior may seem a bit fuzzy at the edges, admits consultant Minor, but what it is not is the study of strategic management or philosophy. Here he focuses on what the fiel
This is the first and only book dealing with how the new psychological research on the unconscious applies to foundational theories of organizational behavior. It covers both micro- and macro- organiz
JohnMiner details four personality types that characterize successful entrepreneurs - Personal Achievers, Supersalespeople, Real Managers, and Expert Idea Generator then shows you how to use this inf
Consultant and former academic Miner continues his series by summarizing the large body of research on role motivation theory and by providing background for the next in the series, which will cover i
This volume makes available in one place the large body of research that has been developed over the years on role motivation theory. Author Jack Miner has always been concerned with unconscious facto
Primarily writing for those less conversant with the field and its development, Miner (human resources, State U. of New York at Buffalo) introduces the scientific foundations, early contributors, hist
The sequel to Organizational Behavior: Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership (2005) provides a review and analysis of the key theories of macro-organizational behavior. It provides backgro