One night in the rain, Ethan Wate opened his eyes and fell in love with Lena Duchannes. His life would never be the same. Lena is a Caster and her family is locked in a supernatural civil war: full of
From the world of Beautiful Creatures--the instant New York Times bestselling tale of love and magic.Ridley Duchannes is nobody's heroine. She's a Dark Caster, a Siren. She can make you do things. Any
How did Fox Mulder become a believer? How did Dana Scully become a skeptic? The X-Files Origins has the answers. The X-Files Origins: Agent of Chaos explores the teen years of Fox Mulder, the beloved
同名電影將於2013年3月上映This edition features exclusive movie cover art! ◎2009年Amazon年度編輯精選百大好書,並榮獲青少年圖書第1名。◎2010年華盛頓郵報票選最受青少年喜愛的讀物第6名。◎MTV票選最具潛力成為《暮光之城》接班人的作品。◎繼《哈利波特》之後,華納兄弟電影公司重金買下電影改拍權,由《街頭日記》、《P.S.我愛妳》、