Place, Belonging and School Leadership offers research findings, analysis and accessible tools for further research inquiry that are designed to contribute to the development of professional learning
The notion of 'place' is a powerful one: the place where we are from; the place where we live; the place where we would like to be. It raises issues of identity and belonging (or lack of it), and abou
The notion of 'place' is a powerful one: the place where we are from; the place where we live; the place where we would like to be. It raises issues of identity and belonging (or lack of it), and abou
Place, Belonging and School Leadership offers research findings, analysis and accessible tools for further research inquiry that are designed to contribute to the development of professional learning
Linguistics for Non-Linguists is a highly readable introductory text that presents students with the basic elements of linguistics in a clear and concise style that any beginner will understand.
The title of this book, Linguistics for Non-Linguists, delimits both its scope and audience. Let us say something about each one. This book is especially designed for people who are not linguists, but