習慣,對情侶來說是愛的養分還是倦怠?雙向暗戀滿分強強啪檔!甜蜜又性感的外傳精彩登場!肌肉甜心(?)王牌企畫 ♥ 無自覺貓系設計組長同名漫畫同步上市【首刷禮】CAFE GREENERY發票風書籤隨書即附:甜蜜彩頁×1---韓國頂尖時尚雜誌《City Casual》,設計組長徐賢秀與企畫王牌白榮燦終於成為戀人。然後,在戀情成真之後,就真的只有甜蜜的生活等待嗎?收錄本傳後外傳與各種豐富 AU!〈紀念日前的準備〉〈愛情戰線指標:他有多了解我呢?〉〈別白忙一場了!化解誤會〉〈All About Play 挑個打破無趣生活的玩具:手銬與串珠〉〈All About Play 挑個打破無趣生活的玩具:眼罩與鏡子〉〈戀愛法則(高中生AU)〉〈Fuck-pet Buddy(獸人AU)〉〈冬天,你的肺還好嗎〉〈Astonishing!心裡想說的話〉〈Everyday, Every night〉〈完美男孩(哥哥×弟弟 AU)〉---「但是,徐賢秀的戀人很帥吧?是吧?」「真是……問這什麼廢話……他是我的戀人,當然很帥啊。」
This book is a radical plea for the centrality of experience in the social and human sciences. Scott Lash argues that a large part of the output of the social sciences today is still shaped by assumpt
In the first half of the twentieth century, Theodor Adorno wrote about the 'culture industry'. For Adorno, culture too along with the products of factory labour was increasingly becoming a commodity.
Modernity and Identity is a groundbreaking collective work which announces a radical new departure within contemporary debates on modernism and postmodernism.While dominant conceptions of both moderni
This ground-breaking book addresses transformations in the understanding of time and the generation and degeneration of value at the cutting edge of modernity and postmodernity.
This book is Lash's most comprehensive statement in social and cultural theory. It is a book addressed to sociologists and philosophers, to students of urban life, modern languages, cultural studies a
This book is a radical plea for the centrality of experience in the social and human sciences. Scott Lash argues that a large part of the output of the social sciences today is still shaped by assumpt
In the first half of the twentieth century, Theodor Adorno wrote about the 'culture industry'. For Adorno, culture too along with the products of factory labour was increasingly becoming a commodity.