Now in its third edition, this popular and student-friendly text enlightens students to the day-to-day practice of real social workers and helps them integrate theory and practice.
Handbook of Prevention and Intervention Programs for Adolescent Girls presents the latest research, programs, and approaches that respond to the needs of today’s adolescent girls. In this practical gu
A detailed look at how to apply clinical theories to social work practice Thinking through real-life cases to make connections between theory and practice is a crucial element of social work educatio
In First Person Accounts of Mental Illness, case studies of individuals experiencing schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, substance use disorders, and other mental
The Call to Social Work, Second Edition is a presentation of narrative descriptions about the work and life of a wide variety of contemporary social workers. The book provides an in-depth understandin
With the advance of evidence-based practice has come the publication of numerous dense volumes reviewing the theoretical and empirical components of child and adolescent treatment. There are also a va
LeCroy (social work, Arizona State U.) uses in-depth interviews to reveal the experiences of parents of children with mental illness. In the interviews, conducted mainly at parents' homes, parents spe
New York-based poet, singer and performance artist Jane LeCroy marks her first full-length poetry collection with Signature Play, an exquisite book of her lyrical work, paired with music by Tom Abbs,
While many adolescent girls in today's culture successfully navigatethe transition to adulthood, many are not provided with adequatesupport and opportunity to achieve their potential.
This lively, comprehensive introduction to human behavior in the social environment offers a multidimensional approach to the topic, with discussion of integrative practice, theory, treatment, and ser
This innovative, all-new practice-oriented workbook includes experiential learning exercises explicitly aligned to the practice behaviors recommended in the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) E
Ashford and LeCroy's groundbreaking book offers students a balanced, integrated introduction to human behavior in the social environment. Lively and comprehensive, this book succeeds by helping studen
This lively, comprehensive introduction to human behavior in the social environment offers an integrative approach to biopsychosocial case formulations of current and developmental human behavior conc