Is Baby really ready for that first haircut? With the usual panache, Leslie Patricelli’s one-haired wonder leads the way into another new experience.It’s important to take care of your hair, even if y
A comically expressive tot pays tribute to the all-important Binky in a bright, playful board book sure to have instant toddler appeal.Anyone who's spent time with a toddler knows that few crises comp
Yippee! Towel, hat, sunglasses, sand toys…everyone’s favorite baby is off and running for a day at the beach―with a new friend.Pack a beach bag and join Baby for that quintessential summer activity: a day at the seashore. With a new little pal in tow, it’s time to put on sunscreen (rubby, rubby), set up the umbrella (ouch, this sand is hot!), splash in the waves (run away from the big ones!), and build a sandcastle (extra hands help!). And don’t forget ice cream! Thankfully, there’s a shower for rinsing off that sandy, sticky stuff. There’s so much to do and see that it might be a challenge to get these babies back home! Little ones off on a summer vacation will soak up this fun adventure, and fans of the beloved Baby will be tickled to meet an adorable new character.
Every day is Mother's Day as the inimitable Baby sings Mummy's praises in a board book full of humour and heart. Now we dance. Wiggle, wiggle.I can make my mummy giggle!Mummy gives hugs and kisses and
Flipping from sad to mad can make for a bad day, but Baby is learning some tricks for getting the happy back.Sometimes Baby is sad. And sometimes mad, mad, MAD! Baby screams and falls to the floor, an
A day at the park. A ride on Daddy’s back. Run, Daddy! Faster! Faster! How fast can Daddy go? Faster than a dog? A horse? How about a cheetah? Leslie Patricelli reprises the duo from Boston Globe-Horn