Wiggle the tabs and giggle as Jo Lodge's funny animal characters come to life!What can pussy cat see, donkey hear and rabbit smell? And what tastes so good to hungry fox? Wiggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the animals come to life! With brilliantly bold, bright pictures and a sweet, rhyming story loosely based on the senses, Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, What Can You See? by Jo Lodge is sure to put a big smile to your toddler's face! Also available: Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, How Are You?
Baby's First Playbook: Peepo is an interactive activity book for busy little hands and minds. Babies will love to tug and twist the chunky tabs and find out who is playing peepo. With bright and funny
How good are YOUR table manners? Do you eat with your mouth open like cow, or gulp your food like duck? Do you dribble like anteater or do you burp like pig?Wiggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the r
Find out who is keeping little owl awake with their noisy habits and who is keeping very quiet.Wiggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the noisy animals come to life! With brilliantly bold, bright pictu
Why is puppy dog happy and giraffe sad? What has surprised bear and who needs to run away from glum lion? Wriggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the animals come to life! With brilliantly bold, bright
Goat wears a raincoat and cat wears a sunhat. But what will bear wear in the chilly snow?Wiggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the animals come to life! With brilliantly bold, bright pictures by the w
包含以下6本硬頁書It's Lunchtime, MonkeyLet's Go Out, ElephantLet's Play, CheetahTime for Bed, PandaFrog At The FarmTiger At The Beach: First Summer Words來自英國的Jo Lodge,是童書界的知名作者之一,她喜愛創作非平面的童書,也就是她的作品多是立體書或是有操作的機關,加上明亮飽滿的顏色,受到許多家長與小朋友的喜愛。她近期與英國Campbell出版社合作的The Googlies系列,一貫鮮明飽滿的顏色,非常吸睛。這套書設計了6種生活情境與對話,用餐(猴子)/睡覺(熊貓)/大自然(大象)/遊戲(花豹)/夏天(老虎)/農場(青蛙),家長透過書中的對話與小小孩互動,書末還附有朗讀音檔QRcode,超好聽的英國腔;不用傷腦筋如何教導小朋友如何用英文說出生活中的常見事物,也不用自己念到燒聲。而且封面逗趣的大眼睛,吸引小小孩的注意,小小孩拿起書,眼珠子上下晃動,越晃越有趣,不知不覺間訓練了小小孩手部的抓握能力。這套書非常適合2-3歲左右的小小孩,視覺、認知、語言、肌力都照顧到了。
A perfect book for babies and toddlers, this title combines bright illustrations, a simple story and first words – a perfect introduction to playtime for little ones.9781529026764 Let's Play, Ch
Meet The Googlies by Jo Lodge! In Time for Bed, Panda, children will learn first words about their bedtime routine. Bold, googly eyes and a sliding mechanism bring this adorable panda to life, while children share the simple story and point at the pictures. An ideal book for babies, this title combines bright illustrations, a simple story and first words - a perfect introduction to bedtime routines.Read more in the series: Let's Play, Cheetah; It's Lunchtime, Monkey!; Let's Go Out, Elephant
Meet The Googlies by Jo Lodge! In Let's Play, Cheetah, children will learn first words about playtime. Bold, googly eyes and a sliding mechanism bring this adorable cheetah to life, while children share the simple story and point at the bright pictures. An ideal book for babies, this title combines bright illustrations, a simple story and first words - a perfect introduction to playtime for little ones.Read more in the series: Time for Bed, Panda; It's Lunchtime, Monkey!; Let's Go Out, Elephant
Meet The Googlies by Jo Lodge! In It's Lunchtime, Monkey! children will learn first words to do with meal times! Bold, googly eyes and a sliding mechanism bring this adorable monkey to life, while children share the simple story and point at the bright pictures. An ideal book for babies, this title combines bright illustrations, a simple story and first words - perfect as an introduction to meal time routines for your little one! Read more in the series: Let's Play, Cheetah; Time for Bed, Panda; Let's Go Out, Elephant
Meet The Googlies by Jo Lodge! In Let's Go Out, Elephant, children will learn first words to do with going out to explore nature! Bold, googly eyes and a sliding mechanism bring this adorable elephant to life while children share the simple story and point at the bold pictures. An ideal book for babies, this title combines brilliant illustrations, a simple story and first words - a perfect introduction to nature and the outside world for your little one! Read more in the series: Let's Play, Cheetah; It's Lunchtime, Monkey!; Time for Bed, Panda
Twentieth Century Literary Criticism is a major anthology of key representative works by fifty leading modern literary critics writing before the structuralist revolution. It is a companion volume to