This essential guide to a trading strategy offers a viable (and profitable) alternative to both day-trading and the buy-and-hold mentality. Swing Trading presents the methods that allow busy people t
A thorough revision with a new DVD of couples in action, using the PREP method for strengthening marriage and avoiding divorce court The third edition of the best-selling classic on marriage enhancem
For the past twenty-five years, the internationally renowned marital researchers from the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver have been helping couples around the globe
The 69 selections in this volume are for the most part the voices of women who saw themselves not as inhabiting a separate and enclosed sphere but as coworkers, often but not always in specialized fe
These 29 eyewitness accounts provide a unique entrance into the diversity of American society. Diaries and letters are the most reliable of firsthand sources, more so than memoirs that are long remove
These 34 eyewitness accounts provide a unique entrance into the diversity of American society. Diaries and letters are the most reliable of firsthand sources, more so than memoirs that are long remove
Discover powerful new techniques in swing trading that are sure to improve your trading experience - and your trading profits. Let the CNBC/MSN Money columnist and best-selling author of Swing Trading
The sentimental novel has long been noted for its liberal and humanitarian interests. In The Politics of Sensibility Markman Ellis argues that sentimental fiction also consciously participated in spec
The History of Gothic Fiction debates the rise of the genre from its origins in the late eighteenth-century novel through nineteenth-century fictions of tyrants, monsters, conspirators and vampires to
To succeed at work, first you need to understand your own brainIf you're in a job interview, how should you think about the mindset of the interviewer? If you've just been promoted, how do you handle
Invest in the future! Everything you need to capitalize on the tech revolution Our lives are on the verge of being reshaped by advanced technology. Fast Forward Investing provides the knowledge and in
An insightful guide that shows how habits of behavior are formed, and how we can transform bad habits into positive behaviors in ourselves and others. Smart Change explores the psychological mechanis