「原型設計是設計師需學習和融入實踐的最重要技能之一。當要將原型設計拆解成可操作、可教學的架構時,沒有人比Kathryn McElroy更有資格。本書是每位設計師書架上的必要收藏。」-Abby CovertFaculty, SVA Products of Design Program原型設計和使用者測試是創造成功產品的最佳途徑,但許多設計師只憑直覺即略過這個重要步驟。本書藉由解說原型設計的目標和方法
Most international relations specialists since World War II have assumed that morality plays only the most peripheral role in the making of substantive foreign policy decisions. To show that moral nor
Despite their diversity in tone and subject matter, Shakespeare's four mature tragedies--Hamlet,Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth--all have an essential experience in common. Bernard McElroy defines thi
Most international relations specialists since World War II have assumed that morality plays only the most peripheral role in the making of substantive foreign policy decisions. To show that moral nor
Despite their diversity in tone and subject matter, Shakespeare's four mature tragedies--Hamlet,Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth--all have an essential experience in common. Bernard McElroy defines thi
A compelling, often hilarious and occasionally horrifying exploration of how modern medicine came to be! Wondering whether eating powdered mummies might be just the thing to cure your ills? Tempted by
Prototyping and user testing is the best way to create viable products that are impactful, but many people skip this important step and design products based on gut instinct instead. By explaining the