"Emerging Concepts in Upper Extremity Trauma? will appeal to orthopaedic surgeons inundated with care of orthopaedic upper extremity injuries. Since many dedicated hand panels in the United States hav
"The outstanding originality of this book lies in the detail and perspicuity with which interrelations are traced between texts, it even seems that relations sometimes work backwards. Above all, this
The Middle Ages was a time of great upheaval - the period between the seventh and fourteenth centuries saw great social, political and economic change. The radically distinct cultures of the Christian
As a writer of fiction, a literary critic, thinker and political commentator, Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) fulfilled and exhausted some of his century's pressing challenges. The twentieth century, the
A Cultural History of Gardens presents an authoritative survey from ancient times to the present. This set of six volumes covers over 2500 years of gardens as physical, social and artistic spaces.1. A
The highest-yield prep for USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX Level 1, now with a free mobile version.Kaplan Medical’s medEssentials for the USMLE Step 1 is an all-in-one reference book for first- and second-yea
An all-in-one reference book to supplement all dental school science curricula and prepare students for the National Dental Board Exam, Part 1.For first- and second-year dental students, dentEssential
This essential collection of Michael McClure's poetry contains the most original, radical, and visionary work of a major poet who has been garnering acclaim and generating controversy for more than fi
"Michael McClure shares a place with the great William Blake, with the visionary Shelley, and with the passionate D.H. Lawrence."--Robert Creeley"Without McClure's roar there would have been no sixti
This volume presents the furniture and household objects, especially those of wood and metal, of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. With a focus on about 60 designers, hundreds of color photographs