Cornelius Castoriadis/ Enrique Escobar (EDT)/ Myrto Gondicas (EDT)/ Pascal Vernay (EDT)/ Helen Arnold (TRN)
Konstantinos Avramidis (EDT)/ Myrto Tsilimpounidi (EDT)
Anna Carastathis/ Myrto Tsilimpounidi
Antony Eastmond (EDT)/ Myrto Hatzaki (EDT)
Edited by Myrto Tsakatika and Marco Lisi
Garani, Myrto (Professor of Latin Literature, Professor of Latin Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),Konstan, David (Professor of Classics, Professor of Classics, New York Uni
Garani, Myrto (University of Patras, Greece),Michalopoulos, Andreas N.,Papaioannou, Sophia
George Arabatzis (CON)/ Steven Best (CON)/ Stephen R. L. Clark (CON)/ Myrto Dragona-monachou (CON)/ Warwick Fox (CON)
Myrto (University of East London Tsilimpounidi UK)
Myrto Garani/ David Konstan (EDT)
Myrto Konstantarakos (EDT)
Myrto Tsakatika (EDT)/ Marco Lisi (EDT)/ Jim Whitman (EDT)