This is the only book currently available that covers this subject. The authors piece together information from diverse areas which is essential to understand integrated and integrated active antennas
This book analyzes the federal health policies followed by Reagan, Bush, and Clinton and by the Democratic-controlled Congress. The book shows the connection between the crisis of health care and the
Global financial markets are part of a much larger world, a world of fluid government policies, political unrest, and other unpredictable forces. If It's Raining in Brazil, Buy Starbucks quantifies
About the book This volume provides a timely collection of the most germane studies and commentaries on the complex links between recent changes in national economies, welfare regimes, social inequali
The field of social inequalities in health continues its vigorous growth in the early years of the 21st century. This volume, following in the footsteps of Vicente Navarro's edited collection The Poli
"In much the same way that Good to Great uncovered hitherto hidden secrets of highly successful companies, Navarro’s Always a Winner uses extensive research to reveal the overriding importance o
Managed Care Pharmacy Practice, Second Edition offers information critical to the development and operation of a managed care pharmacy program. The text also covers the changes that have taken place w
A collection of papers that challenge the conventional analyses of the problems facing health, medicine and medical care in Western societies in general, and North America in particular.
Includes articles which offer an alternative view of the political and economic causes of substandard health care in the underdeveloped societies of the Third World.
Since U.S. President Reagan and U.K. Prime Minister Thatcher, a major ideology (under the name of economic science) has been expanded worldwide that claims that the best policies to stimulate human de
This book shows how the insurance industry and the medical industrial complex are the major influences in the health policy of the United States. They, and not the people, are those who determine the
While the health effects of many aspects of life, from diet to marital status, have been extensively explored, little study has been made of the health effects of work. Covering such topics as on-the-
In the last two decades of the 20th century, we witnessed a dramatic growth in social inequalities within and among countries. This has had a most negative impact on the health and quality of life of