Images of Jesus Christ in Islam 2nd Edition provides a general introduction to the question of Jesus Christ in Islam and a dialogical discussion of this issues' importance for Christian-Muslim relatio
Images of Jesus Christ in Islam 2nd Edition provides a general introduction to the question of Jesus Christ in Islam and a dialogical discussion of this issues' importance for Christian-Muslim relatio
Human Conscience and Muslim-Christian Relations puts forward a discussion of how the notion of conscience may unite Muslim and Christians across religious divides, as well as examining the relation be
Transactions XXVIA of the IAU provides a comprehensive and authoritative review of astronomy during the years 2003 to 2005. Topics covered include: the Sun/heliosphere; planetary sciences; stars; vari
This volume presents the latest research results on solar prominences, including new developments on e.g. chirality, fine structure, magnetism, diagnostic tools and relevant solar plasma physics.In 18