James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820–1889) was a Shakespeare scholar, archaeologist and controversialist with wide antiquarian interests. In 1842, while Librarian of Jesus College, Cambridge, he published The Jokes of the Cambridge Coffee-Houses in the Seventeenth Century, which he described as a collection of early anecdotes 'selected from various Jest Books' which 'serve to show the state of this class of literature during that period'. In this volume it is paired with a pamphlet, The Fresher's Don'ts, written by 'A Sympathiser (B. A.)', (probably A. J. Storey) and first published in the 1890s. This edition was printed in 1913 by Redin and Co. of Trinity Street (with advertisements for Redin's and other Cambridge firms' goods and services at the beginning and the end). This light-hearted guide to student etiquette before the cataclysm of the First World War gives insights into a way of life which was about to vanish forever.
Business Economics is part of a major new national programme of highly developed texts and modules for undergraduate students following business studies courses.
The My Day books, part of the Go, Baby! series, look at babies' days, with colorful, humorous, inviting art and words that reflect babies' experiences. Includes a baby-safe mirror on the last page of
The My Day books, part of the Go, Baby! series, look at babies' days, with colorful, humorous, inviting art and words that reflect babies' experiences. Includes a baby-safe mirror on the last page of
The My Day books, part of the Go, Baby! series, look at babies' days, with colorful, humorous, inviting art and words that reflect babies' experiences. Includes a baby-safe mirror on the last page of
The My Day books, part of the Go, Baby! series, look at babies' days, with colorful, humorous, inviting art and words that reflect babies' experiences. Includes a baby-safe mirror on the last page of
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Young readers can pull the sturdy board slide on each spread to see who is hiding and to reveal the animal's name. The last spread in each book has a die-cut wheel for little hands to turn, matching t
Young readers can pull the sturdy board slide on each spread to see who is hiding and to reveal the animal's name. The last spread in each book has a die-cut wheel for little hands to turn, matching t
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This volume explores the arts-based methodology of body mapping, a participant-driven approach wherein people create richly illustrated life-size maps that articulate their embodied experiences with v