Quantum mechanics must be one of the most successful theories in science. Developed at the start of the twentieth century, it has been used to calculate with incredible precision how light and matter behave - how electrical currents pass through silicon transistors in computer circuits, say, or the shapes of molecules and how they absorb light. Much of today's information technology relies on quantum theory, as do some aspects of chemical processing, molecular biology, the discovery of new materials, and much more. It is very complex and sometimes even professional physicists have a hard time trying to find their way around quantum physics, as it can seem quite counterintuitive. But even if it is difficult and complex to understand, it is nowhere close to being incomprehensible. This is a beginner's guide to unravel the basic mysteries of quantum physics, and a comprehensive course to help people understand it better. The goal of the Book is simple: To help people have a better underst
The Life of St Pankratios of Taormina, despite its novelistic approach to hagiography, provides unique insights into the administrative and ecclesiastical world of eighth-century Byzantine Sicily.
This fun and fabulous collection of scarves will make you reach for your needles and get stitching right away. Scarves is packed with 30 colorful projects that are easy, fast, and enjoyable to knit. A