Peter (Emeritus Professor of International Commercial Law Muchlinski Emeritus Professor of International Commercial Law School of Law The School of Oriental and African Studies University of London)
Peter (Professor of Tax Law Hongler Professor of Tax Law University of St. Gallen)
Aifen Xing (Aifen Xing is a Professor of International Law at Beijing Normal University),Peter Preston (Peter Preston is an Emeritus Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Birmingham)
Bogaert Peter,Professor of Law Geradin Damien (College of Europe)
Cane, Peter (Senior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Christ's College Cambridge),Hofmann, Herwig C H (Professor of European and Transnational Public Law, Professor of European and Transnation
Etxabe, Professor Julen (Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia, Canada)
Goodrich, Professor Peter (Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, USA)
Judith (Associate Professor Embley University of Law),Peter Goodchild (is Associate Professor and Programme & Student Lead for the GDL and MA Law at the University of Law ),Catherine (Senior Lecturer
Moskos, Peter (Professor in the Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration, Professor in the Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration, John Ja
Peter (Adjunct Professor of Law Nygh Adjunct Professor of Law University of New South Wales)
Peter (Professor of International Arbitration Sester Professor of International Arbitration FGV-Rio Law School)
Peter (Professor of Law Whelan Professor of Law Leeds University)
Peter (The late Regius Professor of Civil Law Birks University of Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College);Descheemaeker, Eric (University of Edinburgh)
Prof Peter (Professor of Law and Director of the Programme in Law and Humanities Goodrich Cardozo School of Law)
Rodger, Barry (Professor of Law, Professor of Law, University of Strathclyde),Whelan, Peter (Professor of Law, Professor of Law, University of Leeds),MacCulloch, Angus (Senior Lecturer, Senior Lectur
;Hay, Peter,Vekas, Lajos (Professor of Law, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest),Elkana, Yehuda,Dimitrijevic, Nenad (Professor of Politics, Central European University)
Parental Liability in EU Competition Law assesses the shortcomings of the EU doctrine of parental antitrust liability and proposes a new framework for imposing liability that is theoretically robust,