Anders Parment Ph.D.,Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong
Den Huan Hooi/ Hermanwan Kartajaya/ Philip Kotler
Gary Armstrong,Philip Kotler
Martin Lindstrom/ Philip Kotler (FRW)
Nancy (University of Washington Lee USA),Philip (Kellogg School of Management Kotler Northwestern University USA)
Philip Kotler/ Hermawan Kartajaya/ Den Huan Hooi
Philip Kotler/ Kevin Keller
Philip Kotler/ Roland Berger/ Nils Bickhoff
;Kotler, Philip (Kellogg School of Management, USA),Roy, Subhadip (Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India),Chakrabarti, Satyajit (Institute of Engineering and Management, India),Saha, Dipak
Adam Lindgreen (EDT)/ Philip Kotler (EDT)/ Joelle Vanhamme (EDT)/ Francois Maon (EDT)
Alan R. Andreasen/ Philip Kotler
Alexander Cherney;Philip Kotler
Doug McKenzie-Mohr/ Nancy R. Lee/ P. Wesley Schultz/ Philip Kotler
Fernando Tr?酒 De Bes/ Philip Kotler
Fernando Trias/ Philip Kotler
Francoise Simon/ Philip Kotler/ Kevin Sharer (FRW)