Focusing on the temporal and spatial evolution of strongly correlated systems, earth scientists describe recent developments to show how fractals and chaos theory can clarify complex earth systems suc
A manual written for health care professionals who care for patients from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. First developed by doctors and nurses at Children's Hospital in Boston, it contai
The teen years can be challenging at the best of times, but made even more so when their families explode around them. This is a story about a group of kids that re-organize themselves into a new fami
The question, "Why is there something rather than nothing?," has a strong claim to be philosophy's central, and most perplexing, question; it has a capacity to set the head spinning which few other p
In the 1930s translation became a key issue in the cultural politics of the Fascist regime due to the fact that Italy was publishing more translations than any other country in the world. Making use o
Time, Space, and Metaphysics engages with major philosophical questions concerning time and space, a framework for the investigation being provided by the debate between the absolutists and the relati
Steve Rundle and om Steffen offer their paradigm for the convergence of business and missions--the Great Commission Company. Such companies intentionally create businesses in strategic locations, purs
Elizabeth Rundle takes us through Genesis chapters 12-50 and uncovers what we can learn from some of the Old Testament patriarchs – the "founding fathers" of our faith.Whether studying as an individua