Growing Up is a collection of poetry surrounding themes of love, life, and loss. This is an exploration of what it means to learn about the world and ourselves.內容為青少年成長歷程,如壓力、愛情、及對死亡的看法,以及對女權主義、希臘神話的反思.
Becoming a sinologist means deconstructing stereotypical notions of China’s rise in the twenty-first century. The sinologists in this volume actively think through and adapt to their particular histor
Eros of International Relations: Self-Feminizing and the Claiming of Postcolonial Chineseness is a distinctive work that explores the much-neglected Chinese perspective in broader international relations theory. Using the concept of “self-feminizing”―adoption of a feminine identity to oblige and achieve mutual caring as a relational strategy―this book argues that postcolonial actors have employed gendered identities in order to survive the squeezing pressure of globalization and nationalism in their own ways. Sovereign actors who have historically claimed to act on behalf of Chineseness have taken advantage of the images of femininity thrust upon them by transnational capitalism, the media, or intellectual thought.Shih illustrates the feminist potential for emancipation through a range of empirical examples, showing that women of various Chinese characteristics, acting on behalf of their nation, city, and corporations, reject the masculinization of their groups of belonging as remedy f
Statistical Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Principles and Methods concentrates on the biostatistics component of clinical trials. Developed from the authors’ courses taught to public health a
For students of Chinese art and culture this anthology has proven invaluable since its initial publication in 1985. It collects important Chinese writings about painting, from the earliest examples th
◎The first book in the world detailing the development history and clinical application of plasma exchange in solving aging problems.◎Heterochronic Parabiosis is science, not medical.◎If you are struggling with aging problems, this book will help you understand the root cause of the problems.◎代理經銷:白象文化更多精彩內容請見
A Cottager's Sketchbook is a collection of informal essays written by Liang Shih-chiu over a span of more than four decades. The earliest pieces originally appeared in a weekly in the wartime capital