Brenda Seabrooke/ Kerria Seabrooke
Daniel Beland (EDT)/ Martin B. Carstensen (EDT)/ Leonard Seabrooke (EDT)
Herman M. Schwartz (EDT)/ Leonard Seabrooke (EDT)
AndrT Broome (EDT)/ Leonard Seabrooke (EDT)
Brenda Seabrooke/ Brian Belanger/ Derrick Belanger
Brenda Seabrooke/ Liz Callen (ILT)
Brenda Seabrooke/ P. I. Pinkertin
Seabrooke Leckie/ David Beadle
Seabrooke, Leonard (Professor of International Political Economy and Economic Sociology, Professor of International Political Economy and Economic Sociology, Copenhagen Business School),Wigan, Duncan
Susana Borras (EDT)/ Leonard Seabrooke (EDT)
;Broome, Andre (University of Warwick, UK),Seabrooke, Leonard (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)