From the mid-1980s to the turn of the 1990s the international HR field was considered to be in its infancy. There continues to be both an evolution of territory covered by the field – a series of succ
A decade on from its birth, emotional intelligence is attracting more attention than ever before. Why? Because of its proven connection to performance. Tomorrow's leaders will have to be facilitators
From the Outside In examines the profound impact of World War II on American government. The book argues that the wartime and immediate postwar experiences of the 1940s transformed and redirected the
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From the Outside In examines the profound impact of World War II on American government. The book argues that the wartime and immediate postwar experiences of the 1940s transformed and redirected the
Within this detailed book you will find 90 superb original color photographs, brief background history of the company and full story of the LI series. Basic specification and statistics quotes, and in
Secrets of the Universe is the perfect supplement to the middle school science curriculum. The six-volume series is comprehensive in scope, yet packed with detailed information on a variety of topic