Arguing that formative assessment can fundamentally transform the way a teacher teachers, Popham (emeritus professor, University of California-Los Angeles Graduate School of Education and Information
For teachers and administrators, Popham (education, UCLA) provides a four-step framework for instruction that will measure up to the new age of accountability and reach the expectations of administrat
Practical educational assessment for busy school leaders!In nontechnical terms, this book sets forth what new and seasoned school leaders need to know about educational assessment so they can lead as
NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are
This time-honored work provides the most useful tools for accurate assessment of students and how well the goals of curricula are met in this thorough re-orientation of "Modern Educational Measurement
Looking back over a teaching career of 50 years, Popham (emeritus, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California-Los Angeles) identifies six mistakes that educators co
Amplify your assessment literacy.Formative, data-driven, high-stakes—we all know the buzzwords surrounding educational testing. But we often shelve our understanding of these because they are overwhel
In America's "Failing" Schools, W. James Popham provides parents and teachers explanations of No Child Left Behind as a whole, walking them through the implications for standardized testing in particu
Since June 2004, millions of parents and teachers across the United States have been receiving report cards in the mail alerting them that their local schools have "failed." For many Americans, this w
Hollingworth (education, U. of Iowa) and Drake, a fifth grade teacher, demonstrate to elementary reading teachers tools to improve test scores while still teaching kids skills and a love for reading w