Cosmetic surgery in China has grown rapidly in recent years of dramatic social transition. Facing fierce competition in all spheres of daily life, more and more women consider cosmetic surgery as an i
This book presents, for the first time in English, a collection of speeches delivered by Wen Jiabao, China’s Premier from 2003 to 2013, at the six successive Summer Davos Forums held in China from 200
★國立政治大學外國語文學院「教育部高教深耕計畫」,展開國際交流的里程碑! 《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》緣起 我們發現太多外國師生來臺後都想繼續留下來,不然就是臨別依依不捨,日後總找機會續前緣,再度來臺,甚至呼朋引伴,攜家帶眷,樂不思蜀。當然,有些人學習有成,可直接閱讀中文;但也有些人仍需依靠其母語,才能明白內容。為了讓更多人認識寶島、了解臺灣,雙語的《用外語說臺灣文化》便提供了對大中華區文化,尤其是臺灣文化有興趣的愛好者諸多素材,其中內容深入淺出,易懂、易吸收,內文亦能博君一粲。 ★太平洋的瑰寶──臺灣,猶如萬花筒般繽紛精彩的國度! 《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》共有11章,分別以臺灣語言文化、習俗信仰、飲食、休閒娛樂、交通、建築……等不同角度介紹臺灣,內容皆是臺灣人熟悉的日常。 本書內容豐富多元,以西文為主,中文為輔,深入淺出,易懂、易吸收,認識寶島、了解臺灣就靠《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》!11章內容如下: I. Lengua y cultura 語言與文化 II. Costumbres y creencias 社會習俗與民間信仰 III. Pensamiento y filosofía 思想與哲學 IV. Gastronomía 飲食 V. Ocio y arte 休閒娛樂 VI. Fiesta 節慶 VII. Calendario y medicina china 節氣和中醫 VIII. Transporte 交通 IX. Arquitectura 建築 X. Ropa 服飾 XI. Islas cercanas 離島 每章有1~6個主題介紹該篇內容,主題豐富詳實: I. Lengua y cultura 語言與文化|臺灣語言、六書、書法、臺灣原住民、客家話和其文化、閩南話和其文化 臺灣人使用的語言除了華語,還有客家話、閩南話和原住民語言。透過介紹這些不同的語言及民族來源,可以更加認識臺灣多元又豐富的社會。 II. Costumbres y creencias社會習俗與民間信仰|迷信、媽祖遶境、十二生肖 一般來說,臺灣民間相信有鬼神的存在,十二生肖也是臺灣人普遍流傳的民間傳說,而媽祖遶境的宗教習俗則反映社會文化的重要一環。藉由對於數字、文字、顏色的偏好等,可以更了解臺灣人的文化習慣。 III. Pensamiento y filosofía 思
Wang Wen-hsing caused a sensation in Taiwan in 1972 with publication of Family Catastrophe, his first full-length novel. Many critics were outraged, called it socially irresponsible, morally corrupt, and stylistically irrational, but the novel weathered its controversial reception to become what is now widely regarded as a masterpiece in modern Chinese fiction and the benchmark of Taiwan?s Modernist movement. Often described as Joycean, Family Catastrophe is significant for its stylistic and linguistic experimentation as well as for its disturbing and universal themes. It appears now in English for the first time.
The R&D activity in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) industrial sectors is an important factor in boosting the competitiveness of the European economy, and it stands high on th